카 메 라 와 몸 , 즉 흥 컴 포 지 션
- 리서치 아카이브 프로젝트 -
연구 공동 진행: 전형석 x 김수화 (link)
연구 기간: 2020년 7월 ~ 12월
Camera and Body, Improvised Composition
- a research archive project -
researchers: Hyung Seok Jeon & Suhwa Kim (link)
research period: July ~ Dec. 2020
Born out of two artist insisting to make work when audience can not visit stage, and dancers are forced to face video cameras, the research aimed to test possibilities of developing a performance/video or a video/performance, that is respectful to the nature of both disciplines; ‘film-making’ and ‘stage performance’. The research focused on endlessly changing dynamics between ‘the performer’, ‘the camera’ and ‘the camera operator’. Each session were set up with different guidelines/rules to stir up
(English subtitles will be available soon.)
Session 1, 2 Sketch
Session 3-6 Sketch
Session 7, 8 Sketch
Session 9 Sketch
The 9th session was live streamed on Dec. 15th, 2020 for 75 minutes.
photography by Ki Hyuk Ahn
본 프로젝트는 ‘2020년도 온라인미디어 예술활동 지원사업’에 선정되어 ‘문화체육관광부’, ‘한국문화예술위원회’ 그리고 ‘경기문화재단’의 지원을 받아 제작되었습니다.
‘Camera and Body, Improvised Composition’ was funded by ‘Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’, ‘Art Council Korea’ and ‘Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation’