“... a full sensory immersion from the start.”

“… a quiet meditation on how our familial trauma can become an open wound”

- Dominick DeGaetano The Orphan In Me” (link), HowlRound -

A Held Posture

Created, Designed & Performed by Hyung Seok Jeon


What would you see when you get to the bottom?

A Held Posture is a solo performance. The piece explores the image impulse of sinking into the deep ocean. Through a visual investigation of the abyss, the piece explores the sensation of falling and the experience of generational loss. Formal experiments, including puppetry, a live video feed, and a soundscape created with wireless headphones, guide the audience into the intimate and minimal space within the self. 


Production Team

Production Stage Manager _ Kaya Hubbard

Technical Consultant _ Lucas Wilson Spiro (link)


performed at Theatre Lab, NY _ Jan. 2018 _Presented by Underwater New York (link)



Theatre Lab performance photographed by Alex Shi

performance video documentation by Andrew Murdock